Home / Macro Photography
In a
world where bigger is often seen as better, it's the
small things in life that often go unnoticed. So I’m
making small things seem bigger so they get noticed. That
makes them better, right?
Step into (but not onto) a world of bugs, creepy crawlies,
buzzy things, and creatures you'd rather not see this big
for real. But it's all for real, just a little smaller.
So get ready to see things you may have never seen before.
Go "Wow!" Go "That's amazing!" Go "Gross!" Go "That's truly
beautiful!" And possibly all over the one photo:)
Macro is a world of micro-adventures & I love adventures,
big or small!
NOTE: All critters here (except the Phasmids) are in their natural environments as
I discovered them. All are wild & not pets (pests maybe),
nor have I caught them to photograph. The shots haven’t been
orchestrated in any way. I haven’t refrigerated any of them
to keep them really still (which is fairly common in macro photography).
And I haven’t sprayed anything with a water bottle for extra
effect. This is pure wildlife photography on a macro level -
nothing else - just the way I like it. |

Australian Native Stingless Bee
Australian Native
Stingless Bees are tiny but incredible things, working
tirelessly to make the world a better place, for them and
for us. The perfect mascot for the Aussie Battler. Go you
good thing!
Natural light,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Greetings From Planet... Ummm...???
Me: “Excuse me, but
are we from the same planet?”
It: “Uhuh. You just don’t know this planet well enough!”
Natural light,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Graphic Flutterer
Four wings? Check.
Groovy spots? Check. Cool name? Check!!! Yes, Graphic
Flutterer is the real name of this type of dragonfly.
Natural light,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Ready To pounce!
Have you ever walked
through a park or somewhere and had the feeling you were
being watched? Chances are you were, eight times, by one of
This Green Jumping Spider - yes, that's what this one is
actually called - is ready to jump on me/my camera. It's
happened before... "Oh, where did the spider go? Oh, there
it is on my camera!" This one is female. You can tell as she
has a green head - males have a black head. And that's not
lipstick, folks. They're her fangs!
Natural light,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Eastern Sedgefrog
Very cool little dude.
It looks like it could be carved out of stone. So gorgeous!
Natural light,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Mini Smaug
This flying dragon
(Australian Tiger Dragonfly) is almost big enough to be
breathing fire. I hope there isn’t a mini Lake-town on Hinze
Dam, because if there is it better look out!
Natural light,
Hinze Dam,
Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Mosquito Meltdown
"I can't believe
it's not fancy dress. I feel like such a doofus. I can't
believe it. Can't believe it. Can't believe it. Can't
believe it. Can't believe it. Can't believe it. Can't
believe it. Can't believe it. Can't believe it. And the
party is tomorrow. I need to get myself a diary!"
Natural light,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Orchard Swallowtail Caterpillar
Somehow this lemon-leaf
eating-machine will transform into a beautiful black and
white butterfly. It's not sure how or why, but it eats so it
can be who it's created to be. But it can't do that without
our citrus trees.
If you see one of these beauties and don't want it eating
your citrus leaves, how about relocating it to a neighbour's
tree? Your neighbour probably wouldn’t thank you for it, so
don’t tell them, but you'll know you're doing your bit to
help the environment and that's the most important thing,
right? :)
Natural light,
Ingham, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Passed Life
The old me
It's not what I want to be
Hard, empty, crusty
Thankfully I've been set free!
~ Geoff Rankin, 2019
Who knew spiders shed their skin?
I think we all don't want to be that person. We want to be
new and improved, better and better day by day, leaving the
old us behind. The old me is a hollow shell of what once
was. The new me is alive, renewed, has moved out and has
moved on! Hopefully :)
Natural light,
Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Grasshopper Dropping
“I didn’t eat any
of the pink leaves. Honest!”
Perhaps it
had just eaten a lot of beetroot. I think a few of us have
been guilty before on that count. If it goes in one end,
something's gotta come out the other.
I guess grasshoppers are just like the rest of us after all.
Natural light,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

LHI Witchetty Grub
The Longicorn beetle
(Agrianome spinicollis) is the largest of the beetles on Lord
Howe Island. This is what it looks like when you wake one up
from a really long pre-beetle snooze. Sorry.
Natural light,
Lord Howe Island, New South
Wales, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Of all the
strangish things
A photographer may see
A bubble on the tongue
Of a flying honey bee
~ Geoff Rankin, 2018
Natural light,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Ghostly Praying Mantis
I saw this ultra-tiny &
translucent Praying Mantis on a wooden fence. Wow! We played
cat & mouse for a while, although it was quite friendly &
It told me it loved me and needed money for an operation, but thankfully I could see right
through it:)
Natural light,
Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

What's The Time, Mr Caterpillar?
I photographed this Four O'clock Moth caterpillar at 3:58pm,
so it was almost four o'clock and almost a moth. I'm not
sure what's meant to take place at 4 o'clock - a leaf change
perhaps? I waited
until about 10 past but nothing eventuated.
Oh, I’m so daft... I bet something awesome happens at 4am,
not 4pm! Ah, isn’t it always the way?
Natural light,
Somewhere near Innisfail, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

The Rarest Insects In The World!
Meet Bruce, Bernard,
Bernice, Babs & Betty - the Famous Phasmid Five!
These flightless Lord Howe Island Phasmids were eaten into
extinction 100 years ago on Lord Howe Island by introduced
rats. I guess for rats they were a bit like all-you-can-eat
churros. Remarkably they were rediscovered in 2001 on a
nearby rock island and brought back from near extinction.
They have been called the rarest insect in the world and are
currently listed as Critically Endangered.
There's not really a famous phasmid five. But there should
be. These ones are living in a glass enclosure, but as they
are super-super-rare I thought I'd include them here even
though they're not in their natural wild state,
especially because Babs is smiling at me. Cutie :)
Unnatural light,
Lord Howe Island,
New South Wales, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Robber Fly Lying In Wait
This Robber Fly is lying in wait for its next unsuspecting
victim. Now where did I put my wallet and my keys? They were here
just a moment ago.
Natural light,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Sand On Shell
A single grain of sand lies caught between the ridges of one
of these pinky-orange-kinda
shells. The wind blows. The grain of sand stays where it
is. The wind blows. I think that at any moment the grain of
sand will blow away,
but it doesn't budge. The wind blows. I budge and continue on my
Natural light,
Forrest Beach, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Grasshopper Smile
There was a knock on the door too faint to hear. I went to
see who it was anyway. "Hello?" No answer.
"Hello?" No
answer. "Hellooo?" Still no answer. Hmmm... I bet it was
that sneaky-looking grasshopper again.
Like most people I don't really have a thing for
grasshoppers. I mean, who does? But I'm willing to make an
exception for this one.
Natural light,
Ingham, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Why Fly When You Can Drive
I found this teeny, tiny fly merrily perched on my car
bonnet. I didn’t ask where it was going or wanted to be
dropped off, but why walk when you can fly, and why fly when
you can drive, I guess?
Natural light,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Moose On The Loose
"I'm gonna have to call back the repairman.
All I'm picking up is CountryFM again,
and Lee Kernaghan is driving... me... insane!"
I spotted this Feather-horned Beetle on a windy morning,
hanging on to a rose petal. So yes, it is pretty small. And
no, I don't know if it really could pick up CountryFM or
not. Sorry. But I reckon it possibly could :)
Natural light,
Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Bluetail Damselfly
“You know, when I was your age my back didn’t hurt, my wings
kept beat and everything didn’t cramp up when wanting to
make a quick getaway. And the worst thing is, people
stopping to take photos! I mean, I can handle the fact that
I’m not in great shape & haven’t shaved for longer than I
dare remember, but do you really have to take a photo first
thing in the morning? It was a late night. A little too
late. And whatever you do, don’t put it on the internet!”
Natural light,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Four Precious Jewels
Diamond: Hey, Emerald! What's the hold up?
Emerald: It's not me, mate! It's Sapphire.
Diamond: Why, what's he doing?
Emerald: Nothing. That's the problem.
Diamond: Hey Sapphire! Can we get a move on?
My legs are cramping up.
Sapphire: What's the point? I mean what exactly
is the point? I'm only a, you know, a beautiful and
precious jewel like everyone else.
Ruby: I knew I should have gone first. Taxi!
These four male Hibiscus Harlequin Bugs were lined up ready
for a photo. They are as they were - four bugs bunched up on
the one little branch. Priceless!
Natural light,
Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Wasp With Mud
“Hey, kids, I've got
Christmas sorted!”
Natural light,
Hinze Dam, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

On The Line
I returned from a big day out one day to find this cutie on
the clothesline.
I inquired, "Are you lost?"
It replied, "No, I'm just hanging out."
I enjoyed its dry sense of humour.
Natural light,
Ingham, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Native Teddy
Bear Bee In Flight
I love the challenge of capturing bees while flying (them
not me). It's one of those things I never really thought I'd
do. This Teddy Bear Bee (yes, that's what they're called -
honestly) is one of the many varieties of Australian native
bees that regularly pop into our gardens, whether we've ever
noticed them or not. I'm glad I do macro photography as I
see things I'd otherwise miss. And now I've a soft spot for
native bees of all kinds, especially the cuddly ones.
Natural light,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Yellow Butterfly
"How was that? Did you get the shot? I didn't blink, did I?
Good, good. We could try the other side too, if you like, but
this side's always been my best. Shareen is gonna love it,
although she hasn't been answering any of my calls of late. Do you
think I should have combed my hair?”
Natural light,
Mt Barney,
Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Quietly Praying Mantis
Many of us pray for peace at times. This praying mantis
looks like it's praying that I leave it in peace. I'm still
amazed that I saw it. Peace, dude.
Natural light,
Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Gold Creek Damselfly
I found this
aptly-coloured damselfly sitting on a stem of grass at Gold
Creek Reserve. Pretty cool seeing that most damselflies you
see are either blue or black.
Natural light,
Gold Creek
Reserve, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

"Sorry, mate. I'd love to stay and chat but I've got to
finish this leaf, actually the whole shrub, by next
Natural light,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Tiny Tiny Native Bee
Of the 1700 different species of Australian native bees this
has to be one of the smallest. It’s noticeably smaller than
a stingless bee and so much prettier!
It's the smallest bee I've ever photographed - about the
size of an ant. Apart from the Western Honey Bee (the type
of bee most people think of when they think of a bee), all
bees in Australia are native, so keep an eye out for them,
though one eye is probably not going to be enough:)
Natural light,
Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

In... Delight
These two Common Bluetail Damselflies are getting better acquainted. And the
world can always do with more Damselflies!
Natural light,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Sea Snake
It’s never normally safe to get
anywhere near this close to a sea snake. And who’s ever seen
one anyway? This snake was washed up on a beach in Lucinda,
Nth QLD.
Natural light,
Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Dance Of
It was fascinating
watching this spider perform the dance of death with a fly
between the lower petals of a beautiful white rose. The
spider was definitely doing most of the leading. It’s a
tricky thing to take a sharp macro image in the middle of a
waltz on a bouncing dance floor but thankfully it happened.
When your time is up I expect it’s arguably one of the more
pleasant places to be (on a rose that is, not on a dance
floor, or in the arms of a hungry, trained killer!).
Natural light,
handheld Brisbane,
Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Winter Wonderland
While people were
having fun down south with snow, I was having just as much
fun up north with salt. Almost. But it looks similar & if
you don’t look too hard you can almost imagine yourself in a
salty winter wonderland. Or not. Next time I might build
myself a saltman, or saltwoman (possibly Lot’s wife?). Just
remember, as with snow, the same ground rules apply: Don’t
eat the yellow salt!
Natural light,
Wunjunga, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Again Bug
Some people need to
come out of their shell to find who they were created to be.
So do some bugs. This Gum Tree Shield Bug is in fact up a
gum tree and is proving that it's what's inside that counts.
Unfortunately it won't stay this colour for long. The
coolest thing is the temporary harness wires that hold it in
place - allowing it to come out of the old shell
horizontally while it still can't use its legs - though
they're fairly loose now that its legs are out. Unbelievable!
Natural light,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Desert Beetle
noticed this beetle enjoying dessert at
The Pinnacles. The little rocks are coarse grains of sand.
It might be some sort of cockroach, but seeing as I don't
like cockroaches much, perhaps it isn't:)
Natural light,
Nambung National Park,
Western Australia, Australia
© Copyright Geoff
Rankin |

This is one of those times you can't assume something is
what it looks like. The suspicious thing for me was that it
was a small floating twig, and you don't see too many of them -
normally. So, it turns out this is actually a spider. The
web is barely visible. You're looking at the underside of
the spider here - for the keen observer you might be able to
spot the webby-spinning bit under the ".com".
Natural light,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Moth On
I love
this photo. It's not the most extraordinary or breathtaking
but it's one of my favourites. I also love the idea of
camouflage. I literally go right up to trees and plants and
stare at them for a few seconds just in case something like
this is waiting for me. It's missed otherwise. So if you're
ever in a park and see a guy go up to a tree and stare at it
intently then another tree then another tree, it's probably
me. Oh, and I don't tend to talk to trees. That would be
weird :)
Natural light,
Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff
Rankin |

Fiery Skimmer
A female Fiery Skimmer dragonfly takes a rest between fiery skims.
Natural light,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

No Nose
Sometimes when you're out and about you get thrown a
curly one. What the heck is this? I've asked a few people
but no one nose. My guess is that it was a regular type of
bug, then one day while flying distracted it missed a turn,
hit a tree and has been too embarrassed to admit it ever
since. Good
theory, and I'm sticking with it.
Natural light,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Potter Gold
I was chatting to some tourists, actually I was also a
tourist, on a hot afternoon in Tannum Sands, when this
humungous Potter Wasp started buzzing us. It sure scared the
others. (I'm pretty brave so only ran half as far away as
they did.) But being a hot day all it wanted was a drink so
landed by a near-by water-filled dog bowl. It was almost as big as a
poodle so it didn't look too out of place. I think I might have
even heard it bark as it
took off :)
Australia doesn't have any hornets. Although most people
would call this a hornet, all Australian 'hornets' are
actually wasps, even if they're massive. So there you go.
Natural light,
Tannum Sands, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Nice Assassin
This Assassin Bug really has a lovely bum. It’s leafy wings
and tail section look very cool. I’m not sure where it does
its shopping but more insects should shop for outfits where
this one does.
Natural light,
Mt Barney,
Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Flies When You're Having Fun
If you see these
giant 'mosquitoes' flying around and think to yourself,
"Gee, I hope one of those doesn't bite me," you can
now rest assured knowing that these massive 'mozzies' are
actually crane flies, not blood suckers after all. So
it's ok if they go ahead and make a few more.
Natural light,
Gold Creek
Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Figgy Pudding
Two amorous beetles
atop a fig. Well, one is atop another atop a fig, and only a
cherry on top could possibly top that.
"Hey, Maude, can you give me a lift to the shops? I need
to do my Christmas shopping."
"No problems, Mal, but I won't go until I get some. I won't
go until I get some...".
Natural light,
Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Dry Wasp
I noticed this wasp
kicking back on an old clothesline. I'm not sure what
its fascination with it was but
it seemed to be enjoying itself so I took a quick photo and
left it to do whatever it was it was doing.
Natural light,
handheld Ingham,
Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Year's Dragonfly
It was dawn of New Years Day and I suspect we were the only
two up. Let's just say that New Year's Day in Bunbury, just after
sunrise, is a very quiet place. It certainly wasn't quiet
overnight! I expect he’d had a bigger night than me.
Natural light,
Western Australia, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

A Call To
The Christmas Eve
service of prayer, readings & carols had just concluded.
Flying in to greet me outside the church’s front door was a
Praying Mantis - a reminder to continue praying for those
without peace, both near and far. Will you allow this
praying mantis to be a reminder for you too? 24 Dec 2017.
How many times do you see a praying mantis at night? Like
never. And this one flew right up to me and landed right in
front of me. Then it posed. I guess it was meant to be.
Natural light,
Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

What Moth?
This is one of those
insects you're really lucky to notice. It looks to me like
it's hoping beyond hope that I haven't spotted it. I can’t look at it without guessing what it was
thinking… “I’m keeping still but I think he might have seen
me. He’s looking right… into… my… No, he’s gone. Camouflage - 1, Photographer - 0.”
Natural light,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Richmond Birdwing
This male Richmond Birdwing butterfly has no idea about the
fascination of photographing it. Or if it does, it doesn't
show it. Such a cool looking creature. And such tatty
Natural light,
Lamington National Park, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Fig Tree
This spider is really
quite small and is perched atop a baby fig tree. Boring
description but pretty cool photo.
Natural light,
Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Inquisitive Lizard
This Common Garden Skink is pretty cute,
but also pretty shy. I tried to get a photo but he kept ducking off. Look, hide. Look, hide. Look, hide.
Eventually I took this one - look.
Natural light,
Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |
So which one was your favourite?