Home / Flora Photography
Plants are pretty cool.
I grew up not really liking flowers so much - probably due
to being dragged around to numerous gardens & the Carnival
Of Flowers too many times by overzealous parents. But
getting out and about with a camera has really changed my
outlook, and my appreciation for flora of all kinds has
reached new heights - maybe not dizzying, but growing on me
nonetheless. So here they are - a selection of flora that even
makes me go "yeah, I really like that".
More photos to come. |

I noticed this fern
glowing away in the forest. It was glowing, glowing, gone.
Mount Glorious,
Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Sitting, waiting,
Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

As Pretty
As A…
I hope you like these
pretty pink flowery doodahs. OK, clearly I’m no expert when
it comes to plants, but I know what I like, just not what
they're called. And a name... What's in a name anyway?
So I’m calling this one Sheryl.
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Fine Vine
A simple passionfruit
vine. Feels like my day sometimes:)
Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

In all the world
there's almost nothing as simple and beautiful as morning
Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Lilli Pilli
Unlike some of the
other plants here I know what this one is called, purely
because my 4-year-old plant-loving nephew told me.
Nephew: Lilli pilli.
Me: Oh, is it?
Nephew: Yes, of course it is!
Me: Sure?
Nephew: Yes!!!
Me: Oh OK. Thanks.
My nephew (remember, he's only 4) speaks to me
like I'm an imbecile sometimes when it comes to plants. It's
both very cute & patronising - but I've learnt so much from
him. He's truly amazing.
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Tropaeolum Dew
I grew up calling these
plants 'Nasturtians' when the rest of the world (apart from
my grandparents & possibly JRR Tolkien) called them
'Nasturtiums'. Their actual name is 'Tropaeolum', which I've
no idea how to pronounce anyway :)
If you look closely you can make out the dew on the flower
as seen through the dew on the leaf. As with this
I take almost all photos hand-held, without a flash, only
using available light. I love keeping it natural & as
real-life as possible.
And thanks, Terry, for inviting me around that morning for
breakfast. It was delicious!
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Green Elephant
Tales have long been
told about the Lost Green Elephants of Uphechia, famous for
their furry green trunks and penchant for pistachios. But
their fate is confined to fable and no one has ever seen
one, let alone photograph one. Until now!
Or it’s a cute fern frond. But it’s probably the trunk of a
Lost Green Elephant, don’t you think? And it must have been
lost because it was in Brisbane. If only I had some
pistachios with me I could have solved this mystery once and
for all. Oh well, there’s always next time.
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Monster - Art Version
On the riverbank it
waits, lurks, hides. Under the cloak of dusk, hungry, it
rises from the rocky mudflats to devour the unsuspecting.
Prey, pray. There is nowhere to run, no way of escape, no
hope of ever making it out alive... Oh, it's only just a
couple of gnarly trees. Phew!
I was, however, stabbed in the leg by a jutting piece of
wood as I tried to leave, so maybe it was a river monster
after all!
Photo & art by me.
Denmark, Western
Australia, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

These delightful white
starry flowers look delicious. I wish they were edible.
Perhaps they are, but I doubt they'd taste anything like I'd
want them to. Yum!
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Sometimes fungi looks
funny. This photo looks like a couple of cute eyes staring
at you but it's just a couple of small mushrooms/toadstools. I was lost
on Bruny Island at this point - I'd taken some local advice
to go down a couple of long unsealed roads that lead nowhere
- so I was probably the first person these little
ones had ever seen.
Bruny Island, Tasmania, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Another delicious
looking plant. I have no idea what it is (I'm still yet to
ask my nephew).
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Dandelion's Mane
I’m a dandelion, hear
me roar
My mane of seeds is set to soar
With one strong blow my seeds will fly
And ensure that I never die
~ Geoff Rankin, 2017
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |