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Want to
see the latest additions to my website? Here they are, in
chronological order. I'll keep deleting photos at the bottom
as I add new additions to the top. |

Brisbane City Dwarfed By Mega
This single lightning bolt looks spectacular. Then you
notice the size of it compared to the city buildings.
Incredible!!! So glad to have captured it, and pretty happy
to be nowhere near it :)
And, no, this photo was not part of my composite, although
it’s the same epic storm. ~19.02.20
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Incredible Light Show /
This is my composite image of this incredible storm (19 Feb
2020) as viewed from Mt Coot-tha, Brisbane. It’s 12 of my photos laid over the top of one another. And to
think this was only the tail end of the storm. Thankfully it
didn’t rain, or at least it didn’t at Mt Coot-tha. Brisbane
city is in the middle. The straight lines & dotted lines are
from planes flying into Brisbane Airport.
I've been asked if it's real. It’s all real. They're all my
photos. It's the one storm. I've aligned the photos over one
another - though you have to select the bits that show and
the bits that don’t. I haven't moved bits around. No funny
business etc. So it's as real as a composite image can be.
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

If you've ever wondered
what Nick's family are like I can assure you they are very
nice. They don't look too bad either :)
Melbourne, Victoria,
© Copyright Geoff
More TENNIS photos here... |

The Rarest Insects In The World!
Meet Bruce, Bernard,
Bernice, Babs & Betty - the Famous Phasmid Five!
These flightless Lord Howe Island Phasmids were eaten into
extinction 100 years ago on Lord Howe Island by introduced
rats. I guess for rats they were a bit like all-you-can-eat
churros. Remarkably they were rediscovered in 2001 on a
nearby rock island and brought back from near extinction.
They have been called the rarest insect in the world and are
currently listed as Critically Endangered.
There's not really a famous phasmid five. But there should
be. These ones are living in a glass enclosure, but as they
are super-super-rare I thought I'd include them here even
though they're not in their natural wild state,
especially because Babs is smiling at me. Cutie :)
Unnatural light,
Lord Howe Island,
New South Wales, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Mosquito Meltdown
"I can't believe
it's not fancy dress. I feel like such a doofus. I can't
believe it. Can't believe it. Can't believe it. Can't
believe it. Can't believe it. Can't believe it. Can't
believe it. Can't believe it. Can't believe it. And the
party is tomorrow. I need to get myself a diary!"
Natural light,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Graphic Flutterer
Four wings? Check.
Groovy spots? Check. Cool name? Check!!! Yes, Graphic
Flutterer is the real name of this type of dragonfly.
Natural light,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Green-and-white Hummingbird at Machu Picchu
Hummingbirds. They're
one of the things I've always wanted to photograph in the
wild. To do so while overlooking Machu Picchu is even more special.
You can't get enough of
these guys whirling past. They're so small, cute and fast.
No trip to anywhere that has hummingbirds is complete
without seeing them. It's fantastic to watch them interact
with their natural environment. The Green-and-white
Hummingbird is endemic to this area of Peru. I photographed
this one in a fleeting moment between flowers right at the
Sun Gate (Inti Punku) not long after sunrise. A very sweet
breakfast for sure. Dec 2019.
Inti Punku,
Machu Picchu, Peru
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Australian Native Stingless Bee
Australian Native
Stingless Bees are tiny but incredible things, working
tirelessly to make the world a better place, for them and
for us. The perfect mascot for the Aussie Battler. Go you
good thing!
Natural light,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Passed Life
The old me
It's not what I want to be
Hard, empty, crusty
Thankfully I've been set free!
~ Geoff Rankin, 2019
Who knew spiders shed their skin?
I think we all don't want to be that person. We want to be
new and improved, better and better day by day, leaving the
old us behind. The old me is a hollow shell of what once
was. The new me is alive, renewed, has moved out and has
moved on! Preferably :)
Natural light,
Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Figgy Pudding
Two amorous beetles
atop a fig. Well, one is atop another atop a fig, and only a
cherry on top could possibly top that.
"Hey, Maude, can you give me a lift to the shops? I need
to do my Christmas shopping."
"No problems, Mal, but I won't go until I get some. I won't
go until I get some...".
Natural light,
Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Eastern Osprey
This Eastern Osprey is
heading back from the shops with food for the kids.
Sandy Camp Road
Wetlands Reserve, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Gold Creek Damselfly
I found this
aptly-coloured damselfly sitting on a stem of grass at Gold
Creek Reserve. Pretty cool seeing that most damselflies you
see are either blue or black.
Natural light,
Gold Creek
Reserve, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Black Falcon!
What a privilege to be
present to watch this Black Falcon hunt. To not only feel
the rush of the wind as it flew past, but to actually hear
the "Whoosh!" - that was incredible! So fast, so close, so
furious, what an incredible hunting machine. That being
said, it's strike rate wasn't great, but it was good enough
for a feed - if only it could get away from the other hungry
birds chasing it.
Oxley Creek Common has resident dark Brown Falcons (Brown
Falcons come in a few different shades), so it was a real
treat to see this much rarer predator in action. They are
cosmetically similar but they are very different beasts.
Oxley Creek Common,
Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Mini Smaug
This flying dragon
(Australian Tiger Dragonfly) is almost big enough to be
breathing fire. I hope there isn’t a mini Lake-town on Hinze
Dam, because if there is it better look out!
Natural light,
Hinze Dam, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

White-eared Monarch
I can't really say I
know much about the White-eared Monarch. Needless to say
it's got a white ear. Maybe even two. Enough said.
Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Greetings From Planet... Ummm...???
Me: “Excuse me, but
are we from the same planet?”
It: “Uhuh. You just don’t know this planet well enough!”
Natural light,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

White-bellied Sea-Eagle
Birds don't get much
more majestic than this monster female White-bellied
Sea-Eagle. Wow!
Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Grasshopper Dropping
“I didn’t eat any
pink leaves. Honest!”
Perhaps it
had just eaten a lot of beetroot. I think a few of us have
been guilty before on that count. If it goes in one end,
something's gotta come out the other.
I guess grasshoppers are just like the rest of us after all.
Natural light,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Black Kite
I love birds of prey in
full flight. So awesome, so majestic. This Black Kite is
hunting mice in a freshly mown field.
Oxley Creek Common,
Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Wasp With Mud
“Hey, kids, I got
Christmas sorted!”.
Natural light,
Hinze Dam, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Airport Rifle
I took this photo while
queuing to check-in my luggage at Melbourne “Tullermarine”
Airport. It wasn’t loaded - my luggage, that is. I guess
someone read the list of what you can and can’t take on a
plane AFTER they’d got to the airport - you know that
checklist you have to agree to. My biggest dilemma is
remembering if I can or can’t take batteries onboard with me
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Orchard Swallowtail Caterpillar
Somehow this lemon-leaf
eating-machine will transform into a beautiful black and
white butterfly. It's not sure how or why, but it eats so it
can be who it's created to be. But it can't do that without
our citrus trees. If you see one of these and don't want it
eating your citrus leaves, relocate it to a neighbour's
tree. Your neighbour might not thank you for it but you'll
know you're doing your bit to help the environment and
that's the important thing, right? :)
Natural light,
Ingham, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Scaly-breasted Lorikeet
Lorikeets are regular visitors to our gardens here in
southeast Queensland. They are fairly shy, cheeky and can be
very noisy - a bit like me :) Unfortunately their numbers
are decreasing as they have trouble competing with their
bigger and more aggressive cousins - Rainbow Lorikeets.
Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Eastern Yellow Robin
I took this photo while
walking along one of the tracks near O'Reilly's Rainforest
Retreat in Lamington National Park. Like most small birds
they don't sit still for long. It was there then gone. So
was I, and sadly without a lamington in sight.
Lamington National
Park, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Satin Bowerbird (Female)
A female Satin
Bowerbird perches in the rain. This is one of those birds
where the female is prettier than the male, kinda. The eye
is spectacular in both the male and female.
Queen Mary Falls,
Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

I snapped this little
one as it popped its head out from behind its mother. So
Raymond Island (Gippsland Lakes), Victoria, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Red-browed Finch
Red-browed Finches are
definitely a favourite - small, sweet, beautiful. What's
there not to like?
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Crimson Rosella
A Crimson Rosella feeds
in the rain. Or it's waving at me. Yeah, I think it's
waving. Definitely.
Queen Mary Falls,
Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Grey-headed Flying Fox
I always just assumed bats just toileted upside-down. Nope,
that’d be daft. I guess I’m the daft one for assuming it.
Bairnsdale, Victoria, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Common Noddy
The Common Noddy fishes
by dipping its beak into the ocean like the one here.
Lord Howe Island, New South
Wales, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Great Cormorant
This cormorant knows
it's great. Fair enough. I'm sure it's pretty terrific.
A Rocky Outcrop Off
The Southern Coast Of Tasmania, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Would Lord Howe Woodhens?
Yes, thankfully they
would. With only 250 Lord Howe Woodhens in their only native home, ensuring
the survival of this cute but endangered bird is critical. So it’s
good to see them getting to it and staying on top of things.
Lord Howe Island, New South
Wales, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Eastern Sedgefrog
Very cool little dude.
It looks like it could be carved out of stone. So gorgeous!
Natural light,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

LHI Witchetty Grub
The Longicorn beetle
(Agrianome spinicollis) is the largest of the beetles on Lord
Howe Island. This is what it looks like when you wake one up
from a really long pre-beetle snooze. Sorry.
Natural light,
Lord Howe Island, New South
Wales, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

These Black Swans only have eyes for each other.
Black & White version - almost.
Raymond Island (Gippsland Lakes), Victoria, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Welcome Swallow
This Welcome Swallow
wishes you a very warm welcome to Moreton Island. Enjoy
your stay.
Moreton Island, Queensland,
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Silver Gull
It's better coming
second than not at all. At least that is what life coaches
tell these birds.
Moreton Island, Queensland,
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Musk Lorikeet
Cute fan. Pity I wasn't
a bit closer - the image is a bit grainy. Oh well.
Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Brown Snake
Don't be fooled by the
wry smile or rugged good-looks, this is THE SECOND-MOST
Eastern Brown Snake at Point
Vernon, Hervey Bay. It happily posed for a few photos
before slithering on its way.
Treatment for a bite is to remain as still as possible
(though you've gotta get help ASAP), and apply a pressure
bandage to the bite site. I don't think they are all as
friendly as this one!
Hervey Bay,
Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

This is one of my favourite koala shots purely because of
the expression on the koala’s face. It doesn’t seem thrilled
that I am there, although I wasn’t doing anything to disturb
it, apart from accidentally waking it up.
Raymond Island (Gippsland Lakes), Victoria, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

These guys are nocturnal so it's pretty special to see one
foraging about during the day! They're also pretty small,
especially when you're not too close to them, so the photo
isn't the sharpest ever - but that's life & wildlife
photography. You win some, you lose some - winning here was
just seeing it.
Near Lake Wivenhoe, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

I noticed this fern
glowing away in the forest. It was glowing, glowing, gone.
Mount Glorious,
Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Red-tailed Tropicbird
Red-tailed Tropicbirds
are majestic. Sitting on a cliff watching them soar over the
aqua sea below is one of the photographic highlights of
my life. If these birds & quokkas lived on the same island
it'd be the most popular island on Earth - or at least
should be.
Lord Howe Island, New South
Wales, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Red-tailed Tropicbird
"Hi there!" I love it
when wildlife is inquisitive, especially when it's something
so strikingly elegant as a Red-tailed Tropicbird on the
extraordinary destination of Lord Howe Island.
Lord Howe Island, New South
Wales, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

The Majestic Milky Way Over
The Mighty Murray River
This single 40sec exposure was taken at 10pm one cold
Winter’s night from the banks of the mighty Murray River
just south of Renmark, SA. If you’ve free-camped around
there then you may know the place.
Mars is the bright light up the top left. Jupiter is the
bright light far right. Saturn is the brightest light
middle, very top. 3 planets in 1 shot isn’t too bad!
Both the Large Magellanic Cloud & Small Magellanic Cloud are
visible on the left.
The Southern Cross lies on its side a little below
dead-centre (same height above the horizon as the Small
Magellanic Cloud).
The reflection of stars is not the Southern Cross although
it resembles it.
The town of Berri lights up the right horizon while a hint
of Loxton lights up the middle.
Oh, and the Murray River and Milky Way are both in there
Renmark, South Australia, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Tasmanian Devil
I love
this photo. Why? It's of a Tasmanian Devil. I don't have any
shots of them in the wild. I love that this photo looks like
it could be.
It's the only photo I've included in this section that is
not of a wild animal.
Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Sweet As
Michael Sweet was incredible in his
one-man-show at the Woolly Mammoth, Brisbane as part of his
east coast Australian Tour - Fri 15 Nov 2019.
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Sweet As
Michael Sweet was incredible in his
one-man-show at the Woolly Mammoth, Brisbane as part of his
east coast Australian Tour - Fri 15 Nov 2019.
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Sweet As
Michael Sweet was incredible in his
one-man-show at the Woolly Mammoth, Brisbane as part of his
east coast Australian Tour - Fri 15 Nov 2019.
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Sweet As
Michael Sweet was incredible in his
one-man-show at the Woolly Mammoth, Brisbane as part of his
east coast Australian Tour - Fri 15 Nov 2019.
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Not Just Your Shoes, Michael!
I'm taking this photo with a very
wide-angle lens, leaning over the foldback in front of me, when at the conclusion of the song Michael says to
me, "Are you taking photos of my shoes?"
I quickly explained it was a very wide lens getting his
pedals, the roof & everything in between in the shot &
showed him a shot in the viewfinder.
I then asked him if he'd take a photo of the crowd for me
which he did, which is the final photo on this page. Nice.
Thanks, Michael!
Michael Sweet was incredible in his
one-man-show at the Woolly Mammoth, Brisbane as part of his
east coast Australian Tour - Fri 15 Nov 2019.
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Sweet As
Michael Sweet was incredible in his
one-man-show at the Woolly Mammoth, Brisbane as part of his
east coast Australian Tour - Fri 15 Nov 2019.
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Sweet As
Michael Sweet was incredible in his
one-man-show at the Woolly Mammoth, Brisbane as part of his
east coast Australian Tour - Fri 15 Nov 2019.
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Sweet As
Michael Sweet was incredible in his
one-man-show at the Woolly Mammoth, Brisbane as part of his
east coast Australian Tour - Fri 15 Nov 2019.
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Sweet As
Michael Sweet was incredible in his
one-man-show at the Woolly Mammoth, Brisbane as part of his
east coast Australian Tour - Fri 15 Nov 2019.
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Photo by Michael... Sweet!
Two thumbs up from me. Yeah, that's me
on the left with both thumbs up.
I was leaning over the speaker in front of me, taking photos
with a very wide-angle lens, when Michael
asked me if I was taking photos of his shoes (see photo
above where you can actually see his shoes). I explained I
was getting everything from the floor to the roof and showed
him on my camera. I then asked him if he'd take a photo of the crowd for
me. I handed him my camera, told him which button to press,
and this is the resulting image.
So thanks for taking the photo, Michael!
It wasn't a big crowd. There were multiple concerts on that
in Brisbane. But everyone there loved the show and I think it shows.
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Hungry Quokka
They say not to feed
the quokkas... These guys feed themselves! Munching
machines, for sure & cuteness overload! Rottnest
Island, Western Australia, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

To Quokka Isle
Is there anything
cuter, happier & friendlier than a wild quokka? No.
This guy could have easily been the official welcoming party
if it wasn't just a random quokka living away from the
hustle and bustle of development. Rottnest
Island, Western Australia, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Ravenous Stare / Art Version
I took the photo that
this is based on while at Rottnest Island, not that anyone
goes there to see the Australian Ravens! But this one saw me
:) And they are always hungry!
Photo & art by me.
Rottnest Island,
Western Australia, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |

Outer Space Outer The Window
This is one single eight second
exposure, handheld, taken last night through the window of
our Qantas Airbus A330 (the air temperature outside was -59C
so I was hesitant to open the window) while travelling at
880km/h, heading west at 12km above southern Western Australia en
route to Perth.
The Southern Cross is dipping behind the wing while the
clouds of the Milky Way are lightly visible above the
horizon. Canopus and Achernar shine brightest in the sky
above. Both the Large Magellanic Cloud & Small Magellanic
Cloud put in an appearance. There is even a satellite on the
move above the Two Pointers - Agena & Alpha Centauri - so
there’s something for everyone. Good show all round. - 06
Nov 2019
Somewhere over
southern Western Australia, Australia
© Copyright Geoff Rankin |